SHOES ORは、靴による人工生命への実験的アプローチ作品。靴という人間に履かれることで意味を持つ道具から、主体である人間を取り除き完全な無機物とした上で、音やインタラクション、複数個体による社会性など、人工生命を構成するいくつかの要素をインストールすることで、そこに起ち上がるプレゼンスを表現している。
"SHOES OR" is an experimental approach to artificial life which uses shoes as a medium.According to Professor Takashi Ikegami, Information Science at the University of Tokyo.The idea of artificial life is the existence created by behavior that feels life without holding any organic functional or structural life such as cells / body tissues.We aim to update the definitions of life through this approach.
The sound emitted by motors and shoes movements construct complicated situations.This situation creates presence.It offers feeling of something being present.
SHOES OR is an experience focused interactive installation.Audiences can enter the space referred as the stage, they are surrounded by sound with vibrations and experience the feeling of the presence created by the whole environment.
Various and complex Shoes movement create unexpected interaction with audiences.It also causes changing of human behaviors.We noticed communications between shoes and human based on this observations.It proves that feedback loop occurs in this situation.
Top Prize
3331α ArtHackDay 2016
Planner/Conceptor:Makoto Fukuchi
Hardware Engineer:Satoshi Nakane
Software Engineer:Shuhei Matsuyama
Sound Producer:Yui Onodera
Architect/Experience Designer:Kazuhiro Itagaki
Designer:Satoshi Kawamata
Producer/Project Manager:Shigeyoshi Hayashi
ALife Lab.
池上高志(東京大学大学院情報学環 教授)