『dyebirth_(ダイバースアンダースコア)』シリーズは、作品『dyebirth』のアプローチする「生命の存在感」を多角的に観察するプロジェクト。「observation [観測]」の名を冠した本作では、描き出される模様を自律滴下機構の動きに任せて4Kカメラで撮影。それらをリアルタイムに空間へ投影し体験化することで、肉眼での観察では捉えきれなかった、儚さ、濁り、劣化、混沌といった、現象の持つ感覚的な側面を最大化しています。
An installation work “dyebirth” depicts organic patterns and figures unique to analog methods, utilizing physical phenomena characterized by “dissipative structures” such as Viscous Fingering and the Marangoni effect which happens when various ink autonomically dropped by Game of Life, a simple algorithm to reproduce the process of birth, evolution and selection, are melded each other. The series of “dyebirth_” is a project for diversified observation of the “presence of life” which “dyebirth” approaches. For this work titled “observation”, 4K camera the patterns depicted according to the autonomic dropping structure. The graphics projected to a space in real time provide an immersive experience to maximize the sensuous aspect of the phenomena that escape from the observation with the naked eyes such as transience, turbidness, degradation and chaos.
Planner/Conceptor:Makoto Fukuchi
Hardware Engineer:Satoshi Nakane
Software Engineer:Shuhei Matsuyama
Sound Producer:Yui Onodera
Architect/Experience Designer:Kazuhiro Itagaki
Scientist:Mafumi Hishida
Producer/Project Manager:Shigeyoshi Hayashi